age-structure, fishing mortality, pawning biomass.Abstract
The paper deals on the stock assessment of the red spiny lobster Panulirus argus, a fishery resource of considerable economic importance in the Brazilian coast. A Sequential Population Analysis was applied utilizing data on catch composition by age obtained from exports by commercial categories, biological samples carried out in fishing processing plants in the two states of highest landings and estimated catch and effort for the period of 2005 to 2015. Results indicates that, although under high fishing mortalities rates and the compromised age/length structure of the population, the stock presents some stability in terms of composition in numbers and biomass. The estimated spawning biomass, on the other hand, is strongly depleted, with an average of 18% of the spawning biomass without fishing. A reduction of the fishing mortality, especially on the age 4 and 5 individuals, with the reduction of the fishing effort, would be a fundamental issue aiming the recovery of population structure and the yields of the fisheries. There is some evidence that the management measures adopted in the last 10 years have presented positive results with considerable reduction of the fishing effort.Downloads
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