Capture Spacialization of Snook (Centropomus spp) (Centropomidae - Perciformes) in the Sergipe River Estuary


  • Jonathas Rodrigo Dos Santos Pinto Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Maria Lúcia Góes Araújo Departamento de Engenharia de Pesca – DEPAq.
  • Robson Andrade Rosa Departamento de Engenharia de Pesca – DEPAq.
  • Jadson Pinheiro Santos Departamento de Engenharia de Pesca - DEPESCA – Universidade Estadual do Maranhão.
  • Ana Rosa da Rocha Araújo Departamento de Engenharia de Pesca – DEPAq.
  • José Milton Barbosa Departamento de Engenharia de Pesca – DEPAq.



Artisanal fishery, Fishery production, Fishery monitoring.


The snook fish occurs in the Sergipe river estuary, and is important resource for artisanal fishing landings in the port of Bairro Industrial, Aracaju-SE. The purpose of this work was to analyze the capture of snook fish in the Sergipe river estuary. The production data were obtained through the records of landings in the port of Bairro Industrial from April/2016 to December/ 2017. A total of 562 individuals were collected to obtain biometric data (CT, PT) and identified. For the two most representative snook species at landings length frequency distribution, weight-length relation, and the monthly average of condition factor K were established. The catch-per-unit data (CPUE) calculated for each landing was log-transformed (LOGCPUE +1) and compared with ANOVA. The species of snooks present in the captures were the fat snook Centropomus parallelus (62% of the individuals), common snook C. undecimalis (35%) and tarpon snook C. pectinatus (3%). C. parallelus showed TL range of 20.0 to 60.0 cm. The mean of the condition factor K for individuals with a CT> 28.0 cm was 10.7 ± 1.1. The TC amplitude of C. undecimalis was 20.0 to 105.0 cm, with mean K of 3.25 ± 0.28. For both species, there was a significant contribution of individuals below the size of first maturation. The small mesh size of the beach drag (20 mm) may be contributing to the substantial presence of small individuals in catches. The main catch areas of sea bass on the Sergipe River are located in places with high organic matter concentration and low oxygen content. For beach trawls, the rainfall period influenced CPUE variation. Most of the gillnet catches were concentrated in the Sergipe river channel and were less affected by habitat reduction in the dry season.

Author Biography

Jonathas Rodrigo Dos Santos Pinto, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Bacharel em Engenharia de Pesca, graduado pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS.


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