Sharks and rays as incidental catch of artisanal fishing activity in Southern Brazil: reproductive attributes and seasonal changes in composition and abundance


  • Paulo de Tarso da Cunha Chaves Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Maurício Pinto de Almeida
  • Matheus Platner



Landings of elasmobranchs at Parana coast, Southern Brazil, were monitored during two years, 2009 and 2010. Attributes of fleet and fishing gears were described, as well as species composition, body length and reproductive status of individuals. A total of 4,941 sharks (51%) and rays (49%) was accessed. Part of them was eviscerated, but 82% were landed intact, corresponding to 3.68t of sharks and 2.35 t of rays. Fourteen species of shark were recognized, mean weight 1.46 kg (0.067-16.0 kg; SD = 3.83), mostly Rhizoprionodon lalandii and Sphyrna zygaena, Shark landings were higher in spring/summer, taking part in teleost fisheries. Twelve species of rays were recognized, mean weight 0.97 kg (0.394-10.0 kg; SD = 2.80), being Zapteryx brevirostris and Pseudobatos percellens the most numerous. Ray catches were higher in autumn, in both juvenile and adult stages, in fisheries targeting shrimps and small teleosts. Eleven out 26 elasmobranch species are classified in Vulnerable, Endangered or Critically endangered conservation status. Aiming conservation, two main actions are recommended: first, educative campaigns to promote releasing of: live individuals, neonates in general, Narcine brasiliensis in shrimp trawling, and young and adults of species with catches forbidden; second, protection of Carcharias taurus, P. percellens as incidental catch in flatfish fisheries, and youngs of Squatina sp., a species which adults are targeted in gillnet fisheries.

Keywords: reproduction, neonates, trawling, incidental catches, Rhizoprionodon lalandii, Sphyrna zygaena, Zapteryx brevirostris.

Author Biographies

Paulo de Tarso da Cunha Chaves, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Oceanólogo, doutorado em Oceanografia Biológica, docente da Universidade Federal do Paraná.

Maurício Pinto de Almeida

Doutor em Zoologia pela UFPA.

Matheus Platner

Estudante de Biologia da UFPR.


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