Characterization of a small-scale fishery in an area of ecological relevance for elasmobranchs, at Recreio dos Bandeirantes , Rio de Janeiro State


  • Luiz Constantino da Silva Junior Pesquisador Associado, Instituto de Biologia, Laboratório de Biologia e Tecnologia Pesqueira, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Amanda Carvalho de Andrade Pesquisador Associado, Instituto de Biologia, Laboratório de Biologia e Tecnologia Pesqueira, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Marcelo Vianna Pesquisador-Chefe do Laboratório de Biologia e Tecnologia Pesqueira



Elasmobranchs, coastal fishery, gillnet, nursery, conservation.


Small-scale fisheries are the sole source of income for millions of people around the world and operate mainly  in coastal waters. This zone is used by many elasmobranch species as feeding, mating, pupping and/or nursery areas.  APREBAN is a group of small-scale urban fishermen that explores the coast of Rio de Janeiro (RJ), working mainly about  the 30-meter isobath, using gillnets of variable dimensions and mesh sizes. During two years of monitoring landings,  1,617 elasmobranchs of 27 species were registered, including nine threatened with extinction. Different stages of maturity  were observed, including neonates and gravid or post-partum females of eight, in addition to  Squatina spp.. The study area  has shown important ecological relevance for elasmobranchs, especially  Rhizoprionodon spp.,  Sphyrna spp.,  Squatina spp.,  Rhinobatos horkelii and  Carcharhinus spp. We recommend a more extensive monitoring of the landings along  Rio de Janeiro State in order to better characterize coastal habitat use by Elasmobranchs and their interactions with small- scale fisheries.





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