Release or throw? Adopting good fishing practices can reduce post-release mortality of a critically endangered shark in artisanal fisheries in southern Brazil

Release or throw? Adopting good fishing practices can reduce post-release mortality of a critically endangered shark in artisanal fisheries in southern Brazil


  • Paulo Roberto Santos dos Santos Universidade Estadual Paulista, Praça Infante D. Henrique s/n, 11330-900 São Vicente - SP, Brasil; ORCID: 0000-0003-3609-7820Laboratório de Fisiologia de Peixes
  • Kaliandra Klafke Centro de Profissionalização e Educação Técnica, XV de Novembro 964, 80060- 000 Curitiba - PR, Brasil.



In this study we report information on post-release mortality in artisanal fisheries of the Angular Angelshark Squatina guggenheim Marini, 1936, a critically endangered shark in Southeastern-South Brazil. We analyze artisanal fishing operations, which take place on the beachfront and verified that despite the release of all 74 captured sharks, about 30% were found stranded, debilitated or dead, a few minutes later, due to the release method (throwing). We suggest adjustments based on successful field integration experiences with fishers.

Keywords: conservation, fishing, participative management, Squatina guggenheim

