Information Retrieval (IR) and Information Representation have been themes of study in
several areas. Among these areas, we can highlight the Information Science (IS), Computer
Science (CS) and Archivology. Faced with the assertive need for document representation
and with the increasingly frequent establishment of computer systems to handle these
documentary records, generated or received in the progress of their respective activities,
the importance of representation for later retrieval of information was evidenced. Thus,
it is necessary to delimit the importance of the present study as an initiative that examines
factors that permeate the Representation and the Information Retrieval in the
Archivology, taking as areas of dialogue the ISand the CS. In this way, the general objective
was to examine how Information Representation and IR is delineated in the archival
context, taking into account the performance of areas such as ISand CSin these themes.
The specific objectives were set out in: a) Mapping common aspects of the Information
Representation and Archives IR with related areas, such as IS, as well as CS; b) Analyze
the central ideas of Information Representation and IR in the archival area; c) Discuss how
the relationship between Information Representation and IR is evident in Archivology;
and d) Reflect technical / theoretical issues of Representation and IR in the archival
area.Methodologically, the technique of content analysis was used in the search for an
understanding of the concepts discussed in the present study. It was evidenced that the
Information Representation is noted from the administrative, segmental, intellectual and
descriptive action, with elaboration of instruments for the provision of access. In the case
of IR, it is known as a computerized process, with a focus on meeting information needs.
Keywords: Information Retrieval. Information Representation. Information Science.
Computer Science. Archivology.
Dacles Vágner da Silva
Mestre em Ciência da Informação pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação da
Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC).
E-mail: daclespb@gmail.com
Copyright: Esta obra está licenciada com uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional.
Financiamento: Não.
Recebido em: 04/06/2019.
Aceito em: 04/06/2019.
Revisado em: 04/06/2019.
Como citar este resumo:
SILVA, Dacles Vágner da. A representação e a recuperação da informação: bases, diálogos e contribuições
para o fazer arquivístico. Informação em Pauta, Fortaleza, v. 4, n. 1, p. 89-90, jan./jun. 2019. DOI: