Santos | Gestão de acervos audiovisuais em repositórios
Inf. Pauta, Fortaleza, CE, v. 4, n. 2, jul./dez. 2019 | ISSN 2525-3468
que conduziram à proposta dos critérios e das diretrizes para gestão das coleções em
repositório audiovisual no software DSpace, a saber: desenvolvimento de acervos
audiovisuais; definição de metadados; decupagem e indexação; e ciclo de produção
audiovisual, fluxo de submissão e designação de responsabilidades. Conclui que os
critérios e diretrizes propostos fornecem subsídios informacionais para gestão de
imagens em movimento e acervos sonoros em repositório audiovisual no DSpace e que
podem ser aplicados em todos os ambientes produtores de informação audiovisual, e não
apenas no ambiente universitário.
Palavras-chave: Gestão da informação. Acervos audiovisuais. Mediação bibliotecária.
Decupagem. Repositório audiovisual.
This master’s thesis presents the results of a research that focusing on proposing criteria
and guidelines to manage moving images and sound collections, which have been
produced at a public university in Brazil, named Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). It
is a proposal made from the librarian’s mediation at setting up an audiovisual repository.
As a theoretical contribution, we discuss the dimensions of audiovisual information, the
librarian’s competence and mediation at managing audiovisual collections, and some
Brazilian and international guidelines for managing audiovisual repository. It is
characterized as a qualitative research through methodological triangulation, which is
proposed to explain the breadth of the subject. The first research method is the
documentary research for analyzing normative documents that rule the institutional
repositories of ten Brazilian universities and research institutions, which were selected
under the criterion of those that stood out most on the Ranking Web of Repositories,
aiming to verify if those documents have pointed out audiovisual collections in their
scope. The second research method is the content analysis, which enabled the
categorization and analysis of a sample of the audiovisual collections produced at UFC,
such as: documentaries; short films; animations; television programs; radio programs;
podcasts; video classes; lectures; and musical concerts. After that, a data collection tool
was constructed on Evernote to analyze and describe that sample of audiovisual
productions, and then the data was shared on Zenodo, which is an online repository. The
data were collected according to the corpus selected for each research environment at
UFC, namely: a course of Journalism; a school of cinema; a television program called
UFCTV; an academic radio station; an academic library; and an academic choir. The choice
of these environments is related to the sample for analyzing and describing. The analysis
and description were made based on the types of audiovisual collections categorized from
the content analysis method and through the audiovisual description technique, which
allows to describe in detail all that is seen on the moving images and also which is heard
from the sound analyzed, besides represent the audiovisual content by keywords. The
section on discussion of the results is compounded by the analysis of ten normative
documents on Brazilian institutional repositories; by the analysis of each category of
audiovisual collections produced at UFC; and by our criteria and guidelines to manage
audiovisual repository on DSpace, which were set up from communities, collections,
metadata, audiovisual description and indexing, and a proposal of workflow at producing