Oliveira | Comportamento informacional de servidores e colaboradores da UFC no uso do SEI
Inf. Pauta, Fortaleza, CE, v. 4, n. 2, jul./dez. 2019 | ISSN 2525-3468
deste processo envolvem o início, a seleção, a exploração, a formulação, a coleta e a
apresentação especificadas no ISP. Este processo gera sentimentos de otimismo, quando
os servidores e colaboradores encontram a informação que necessita, ou frustração,
caso não consigam obtê-la. Constatou-se que os usuários do SEI possuem habilidades
para utilização do sistema, no entanto, existem dificuldades no tocante a representação
dos ícones, ao campo de pesquisa e às funções dos perfis disponibilizados aos
colaboradores. Esses reveses possivelmente geram sentimentos ruins que podem
influenciar o processo de busca da informação. Sugerimos como estratégia de
capacitação dos usuários, a fim de superar as dificuldades apresentadas, a estruturação
de um curso básico com conteúdo que abarque a gestão de documentos administrativos
públicos e as boas práticas de uso do SEI. Concluímos que ao perceber as necessidades
de informação, os servidores e colaboradores da CAP são motivados a iniciar o processo
de busca no SEI, perpassando as etapas e domínios do ISP. Neste processo são
evidenciadas as dificuldades dos usuários no uso do sistema, podendo ter êxito ou não
em suas pesquisas.
Palavras-chave: Estudos de Usuários. Comportamento Informacional. Necessidades de
Informação. Busca por Informações. Sistema Eletrônico de Informações. Information
Search Process (ISP).
This research presents the informational behavior of the Information Electronic System
(IES), that have been at the Coordination of Administration and Patrimony (CAP), on the
Federal University of Ceará (FUC). As a question point, it propounds: how the servers
and contributors from CAP, on FUC, behave in the process of searching information
provided on the Information Electronic System? It was established, as the general
objective, to analyze the informational behavior of the users of the Coordination of
Administration and Patrimony, on the Federal University of Ceará, on searching
information at the SEI’s environment, according to the Information Search Process (ISP),
by Carol Kuhlthau. We defined as specifics objectives: identify the needs of the servers
and contributors that encourage the information searching; describe the information
searching mode by means of the Information Search Process (ISP), created by Carol
Kuhlthau; and point the servers and contributors’ difficulties using IES. In order to
achieve the established purposes, it was composed an exploratory and descriptive
research, with quantitative and qualitative character, configuring a case study, whose
the researching locus was the Coordination of Administration and Patrimony, with the
servers and contributors, SEI users, being research samples. The sample was formed by
22 (twenty-two) servers and 3 (three) contributors. The instrument of data collect was
the questionnaire, whose shipping was made by electronic mail. The Content Analysis
was used to organization and interpretation of the collected data. Based on the
methodological trajectory, we had these results: the servers and contributors’ needs of
information are tied down to the intrinsic assignments to the sector that they execute
their activities, so as the process related to their functional life. The content of the
documents and the databases inserted on IES impel the users to use it on the process of
information searching. The stages of this process evolve the beginning, the selection, the
exploration, the formulation, the collect and the presentation specified on the ISP. This