About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Revista Labor’s main objective is to disseminate the knowledge produced by graduate programs in the areas of Education and Teaching Practice. Its mission is to promote the debate on academic research, especially in a critical perspective, publishing original unpublished papers. The magazine is aimed at researchers, teachers and graduate students, as well as professionals in Basic Education, Higher Education and related areas. At least one author is required to be a PhD holder. Undergraduate, specialists and graduate authors or co-authors are allowed to submit papers if accompanied by at least one PhD holder. The procedures for submitting a paper are in the Guidelines for authors.


Dossiers / Thematic Numbers

The Editor previously evaluate the dossiers submitted to the Revista Labor by observing if they meet the standards for Dossier, the relevance of the proposition and the title of the proposers. All papers are submitted to the evaluation process adopted by the magazine.


Revista Labor publishes scientific, review, update and editorial papers.

Blind Peer Review Process

Editors analyze the texts received by the Sistema Eletrônico de Editoração de Revistas (SEER) system, in order to verify whether they meet the standards, the focus and the scope of the Magazine.

After the triage, the editor forwards the paper to two doctoral reviewers from different institutions, registered in SEER, for analysis and review. The invited reviewer must indicate in the system their availability to evaluate the paper and the absence of a conflict of interest. In case of decline, the editor forwards the paper to another reviewer.

The review consists of a brief text with considerations regarding the submission. The final review must present one of the parameters: a) Accepted; b) Mandatory corrections; c) Submit again for evaluation; d) Send to another magazine; e) Reject; f) See comments. Divergent reviews are resolved by sending the paper to a third reviewer. Evaluation requirements: originality, theoretical and methodological consistency, relevance to the area of ​​Education or Teaching Practice, writing in standard language, meeting with the norms of Revista Labor.

The authors receive the result of this stage through the access to the reviews. Approved papers are sent to the editing and publishing department. The author of approved papers with pending items must replace the old file by a new file and send it within the period stipulated by the editor. The changes highlighted in red are evaluated by the editor, who will ultimately decide whether to approve or disapprove. Disapproved papers are rejected in the system.

The anonymity of authors and reviewers is preserved throughout the communication process at SEER.



Revista Labor receives papers in continuous publishing, concluding the number and volume in the following periods: Jan / Jun and Jul / Dec.


Open Access Policy

This magazine offers immediate and free access to its content, following the principle of the worldwide democratization of knowledge.

Submission and processing paper fee

There is no charge for submitting and processing papers.


Privacy Policy

The copyrights of the papers belong to their author.

The text may be republished after three years of publication in Revista Labor.

The names and addresses informed to the magazine will not be used for other purposes.

Papers are licensed in the Creative Commons database.

Digital preservation policy

Files are stored in Hard Drives in PPGE and in the Laboratório de Estudos do Trabalho e Qualificação Profissional, as well as in Crossef through ORCID. 

Interoperability Protocol

The magazine is hosted on the OJS/PKP platform.


Revista Labor, created in 2008 by the Laboratório de Estudos do Trabalho e Qualificação Profissional, is linked to the Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação (PPGE) of the Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). As the first exclusively electronic magazine of PPGE, it encourages the articulation of researchers from different institutions and programs, broadcasting their academic productions and democratizing the access to knowledge. 


Revista Labor is supported by the UFC Pró-Reitoria de Pós-graduação e Pesquisa, through the creation of the periodicals coordinator, and by the Pró-Reitoria de Extensão, by granting a scholarship for technical support. 

Policy for detecting plagiarism and misconduct

Plagiarism is detected by a system available at CROSSREF. All texts are submitted to this process before sent to the reviewers.

Authors who used animals or humans in their research must attach the Ethics Committee approval document to SEER, in the field “documentos suplementares”.

We highlight the importance of carefully designate quotations, avoiding omission or incorrectness of the author’s name and page, since this act constitutes a crime and disrespect for authorship.

To avoid accidental omissions, we recommend the inclusion of all the papers’ co-authors. In addition, we recommend reading the Committee Publication Ethics (CORE) document on the website http://publicationethics.org.

Errata and retractions are published following the recommendation of Scielo, as stated in the website http://books.scielo.org/guia-para-o-registro-e-publicacao-de-errata-retratacoes-e-manifestacoes-de-preocupacao-para-livros/