About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Passagens is the continuous flow publishing journal of the Graduate Program in Communication of the Federal University of Ceará (PPGCOM/UFC).  The purpose of the journal is to discuss the meaning of communicative practices both in the professional field and in research, in order to promote and disseminate scientific and technical knowledge in the field, with a special focus on the sociocultural practices engendered by current media and the critical analysis of photographic and audiovisual languages. Papers submitted to Passagens must be original and at least one of the authors of every paper must hold a Master’s or Doctor’s degree.


Peer review process

This journal adopts the Double Blind Peer Review , that is, the omission of authors and reviewers’ identities during the analysis of manuscripts.

The original papers submitted to the journal must meet all criteria below strictly. Collaborations in disagreement will be refused.

All manuscripts for publication in Passagens must be submitted exclusively via electronic means. In order to submit, a prior registration is required, through the link: http://www.periodicos.ufc.br/index.php/passagens/login.

Authors can submit papers and monitor their status throughout the editorial process by means of the electronic platform on the link above, ensuring greater agility and security in the submission of manuscripts and streamlining the review process.

Regarding resubmission and reviews, the journal separates them into two categories:

- Manuscripts that have been rejected;

- Manuscripts that can be reassessed after the requested corrections are made.

In case of a resubmission, the author will informed that their work has been rejected. If the author wants the editors to reconsider such decision, it will be possible to make the changes they deem necessary and resend them. However, it will be considered as a new submission, and therefore, a new manuscript number will be generated in the system;

When a review of the manuscript is requested, the author must redo and/or change their manuscript based on the reviewers’ recommendations and suggestions. Then, the author must return the file for a second analysis, without forgetting to inform the same number assigned to the manuscript, so the final decision can be informed later on

Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author so the text to be carefully checked. Changes or editions to the edited manuscript will not be allowed at this stage of the editing process. The authors must return the corrected proofs within a maximum period of five working days after receiving them.

Accepted papers will compose the journal issues according to the submission, review, and acceptance schedule, or at the discretion of the editorial board.

Insertion of authors or co-authors in submitted, edited or published articles will not be allowed.



Continuous flow publishing


Free Access Policy

This Journal offers immediate free access to its content, based on the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public helps ensure greater, worldwide democratization of knowledge.


Article processing fees

Passagens does not charge any article processing fees nor for the manuscripts submitted for evaluation, review, publication, distribution or download.




QUALIS (Quadrennium 2017-2020)
