The role of anger in TV presenters
a comparative study based on the "Correio Verdade" program
This paper investigates how television presenters express anger. We adopted as subjects of study three editions of the “Correio Verdade” program of TV Correio, affiliated to RecordTV in Paraíba, whose common characteristic was the treatment of heinous crimes and a manifestation of angry conduct by the presenter and / or reporter. From this analysis, we identified the observation of the role that this fundamental function plays for programs and their political and media developments.
How to Cite
Aires, J. S. F. (2022). The role of anger in TV presenters: a comparative study based on the "Correio Verdade" program. Passagens: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Comunicação Da Universidade Federal Do Ceará, 12(2), 52–74. Retrieved from
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