Stories of death and grief: a study of socio-anthropological experience of death in a group operating in CRAS
Death, Grief, Socialconstruction, Operativegroup.Abstract
The following article starts by presenting an socio-anthropological reflection about the relation between health and disease, demonstrating through these indicators that death and grief which is what we want to point out, can be interpreted through multiple boosters and epistemological bases. Here we choose Anthropology and Sociology. By the exposition of the text analysis inside the social anthropological approach we’d like to reinforce the need to look at this in a broach multidisciplinary To do so, we decided to report/ describe an experience in operative group in one of the Social Assistance Center, where the subject “death” emerged as a factor that induces the memories of traumatic experience, related to losses and grief. The observation of these collective phenomena instigated us to reflect about death as a social construction still linked to negative aspects and of challenging overcoming (mourning), outside of the welfare work scope, necessarily.Downloads
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