Simone Weil's Mystics and the Analysis of Dreams: Phenomenological Approaches


  • Patrick Wagner de Azevedo Universidade Federal Fluminense


In this work, we intend to relate different scopes of existence, which are rarely connected: dream analysis, in a daseinsanalysis approach, and the mystic experience. For that purpose, we resorted to a dream of one of my patients and Simone Weil’s reports, a mystic Jew who lived in the XX century.In these terms, my patient brought an iconic dream,revealing that the spiritual sphere of his existence was lacking the necessary attention. We can affirm that dreams play the role of showing the Dasein the existential scopes thatare being neglected. The mystic experience, understood as the personal relationship with God, is one of these areas and, when neglected, can limit the existential freedom of dasein. The technical world seems to disqualify any experiences that are not apprehensible by logical reason, but the existence can sustain its essential freedom and remain open, multiple andinured to the variety of possibilities that the Dasein, ultimately, represents. Thedaseinsanalysis is a psychotherapeutic practice sustained by Heidegger’s hermeneutics phenomenology and points to welcoming the everlasting diversity of existential possibilities that integrate the Dasein.


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Author Biography

Patrick Wagner de Azevedo, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Universidade Federal Fluminense


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How to Cite

de Azevedo, P. W. (2019). Simone Weil’s Mystics and the Analysis of Dreams: Phenomenological Approaches. Journal of Psychology, 10(1), 195–208. Retrieved from