The Confessional beyond the intimate: mourning as aesthetical effect in Virginia Woolf’s writing


  • Laéria Fontenele Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Larissa Arruda Aguiar Alverne Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Nadiá Ferreira Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro



Our goal with this paper is to discuss about some of the features of the literary universe of Virginia Woolf, starting from conclusions obtained in previous studies. To do so, we will take in consideration a particularity of her writing: the recurrent and shocking presence of death in her narrative, which has shown to be an indication of a way to defend herself against the encounter with the Real. We consider that the confessional aspect of her writing becomes a new role in modern literature, which can only be understood as reference to her difficulty in facing successive mournings of family and loved ones, fact that led her to use her own writing is help in the struggle with these unassimilable losses. On contrary of other confessional nararatives, that cherish the creation of an intimate atmosphere, we defend the Woolf’s writing create, in the reader, a mourning as aesthetical effect, contaminating it with the meanless of existence.


Keywords: Literature, Psychoanalysis, Virginia Woolf, death, real.


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Author Biography

Larissa Arruda Aguiar Alverne, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Graduada e mestranda em Psicologia pela Universidade Federal do Ceará.


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How to Cite

Fontenele, L., Alverne, L. A. A., & Ferreira, N. (2020). The Confessional beyond the intimate: mourning as aesthetical effect in Virginia Woolf’s writing. Journal of Psychology, 11(1), 136–145.