(In)Security in the field of university extension:micropolitics of affectations with children in the periphery
University extension, childhood, periphery, insecurity, micropoliticsAbstract
This text aims to guide an analytical debate from the affections experienced by a researcher teacher when accessing a peripheral territory in the city of Fortaleza-CE, as well as presenting the reasons that led her to undertake the crossing to the other side of this divided city and the repercussions of this on the actions of an Extension project. The relevance of this writing is to promote a critical reflection on the binomial security / insecurity that crosses us in the context of university extension. What is the reality limit of (in)security? What paralyzing and mobilizing affects can we access in this academic activity’s territories? In order to dialogue with these questions, we chose to cut scenes of this insertion in the periphery, presenting some micropolitics resulting from the affectations produced by the participation of the subjects involved in this project, through analyzes of the relationship between the participating children and the academic team; the relationship of these children with their neighborhood and the city (beyond the “walls” of the periphery).
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