Maternity; public policies; actor-network theory; social vulnerability, social psychology.Abstract
This paper discusses life experiences and decisions regarding to motherhood, a complex and challenging topic that must be subject of debate. We discuss the reality of na invisible public, marked by the stigma of incapacity for exercising the motherhood and, this is because this Woman are homeless and are crack users in the city of Rio de janeiro. Through immersion in the field, we able to recognize similarities and their expectations regard to motherhood fulfillment. We have mapped na unknown scenario, not Only for the academic world, but also for the pregnancies that these women have probably had before. This questionnaire was carried out for over twenty three months. Quantitative data guided uso n this scenario, considering that are not studies about it. We seek to discuss the effects and consequences of the abserce of effective public policies. Recognizing the complexity involved in the motherhood matters, we affirm the importance of a perspective that also welcome Other ways to fulfill the mother’s role. We have taken as theoretical reference the importance of collective and integrated actions so that these women can leave the invisibility and make their own choices.
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