The transgenerationality of the feminine in the family: a case study with three generations of married women
Family, Marriage, Gender, Family dynamics, GenerationAbstract
From the systemic family theory, the aim of this study was to understand how the transmission of patterns and perspectives on the family, marriage and the feminine occurred in three generations of women, including gender as a relevant intersectional marker. The case study was composed of two families, both represented by generations of grandmothers, mothers and daughters. Six women participated, with ages ranging from 28 to 90 years. The average age of the first generation was 82 years, the second was 57.5 years, while the third was 32 years. The length of marriage ranged from five to 64 years, with the average duration of the first generation being 60.5 years, followed by 33.5 years for the second and 11.5 years for the third. All participants were interviewed individually. The thematic-reflective analysis showed the transmission of values about family and marriage, with the emergence of more flexible gender relationships only in the third generation, which can be observed in the parenting and career dimensions. However, transgenerational and gender issues were highlighted to maintain the family legacy and the indissolubility of marriage, which cannot be understood apart from social and cultural markers.
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