Implementation of good practice in assistance to labor at a reference maternity


  • Bruna Marques de Melo
  • Linicarla Fabiole de Souza Gomes
  • Ana Ciléia Pinto Teixeira Henriques
  • Sâmua Kelen Mendes de Lima
  • Ana Kelve de Castro Damasceno



Obstetric Nursing, Natural Childbirth. Humanization of Assistance.


Objective: to describe the implementation of good practices of attention to labor at a reference maternity. Methods: descriptive, documentary study, with 300 Forms for Monitoring Assistance to Labor and Birth. The data were gathered on tables and submitted to descriptive and numerical inferential analysis. Results: in category A we observed that 48.3% of the births filled the partogram; 84.0% of women did not use pharmacological methods for pain relief; 67.0% remained at zero diet during labor; 84.7% had no companion during labor, delivery and after giving birth; 57.0% had skin-to-skin contact; and 65.3% breast-fed in the delivery room. In category B it was found that 54.0% of women remained in venoclysis; 60.7% remained in semi-sit position in the expulsive period; and 14.7% women were shaved. Conclusion: some practices proved useful in childbirth are still not implemented in many cases, while others that are harmful or ineffective are still being carried out.





How to Cite

Melo, B. M. de, Gomes, L. F. de S., Henriques, A. C. P. T., Lima, S. K. M. de, & Damasceno, A. K. de C. (2017). Implementation of good practice in assistance to labor at a reference maternity. Rev Rene, 18(3), 376–382.



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