Postpartum period: the importance of home visits given by the nurse in Primary Health Care
Primary Health Care, Postpartum Period, Home Visit, Nursing Care.Abstract
Objective: to understand the importance given by nurses working in primary health care for the realization of home visits in the puerperal period. Methods: qualitative research held with 38 nurses by applying a semi-structured interview, in which the thematic content analysis technique was used under Bardin’s theoretical light. Results: the majority of interviewees considered the home visit a tool that brings the health unit to the reality experienced by the mother, however, there are still many professionals who omit some precautions when dealing with this population. Conclusion: the home visit is considered essential for contributing to the reduction of morbidity and mortality of the postpartum and newborn, increasing the bond between unit and family, and reducing the risk of postpartum complications, however, the attention turned to these women is still covered with big challenges to achieve a real satisfactory assistance.Downloads
How to Cite
Medeiros, L. dos S., & Costa, A. C. M. da. (2016). Postpartum period: the importance of home visits given by the nurse in Primary Health Care. Rev Rene, 17(1), 112–119.
Research Article