Social representations of students in the construction of the professional identity of nurses
Nursing; Education, Higher; Nurse’s Role; Social Desirability; Education, Nursing.Abstract
Objective: to analyze the social representations of students in the construction of the professional identity of nurses. Methods: qualitative study with 60 students from the Nursing course of a public university. Collection was done by means of instruments of aesthetic production scenes. The results were analyzed based on the Theory of Social Representations. Results:total of 190 objectified images emerged. Twenty nine images expressed charity, 38 were related to technicality, and 22 presented different scenarios of the performance of nurses.These images constituted three scenes of aesthetic production.Students of the first and fifth semesters brought the representations with a greater focus on charity and technicality, and those of the tenth semester presented images related to the areas of professional activity. Conclusion:the social representations of Nursing students change with the advance of the academic course, starting with representations from society (charitable and technocratic) and getting firmed established in the professional work of nurses.
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