Cardiovascular risk and lifestyle in patients with chronic kidney disease




Risk Factors; Life Style; Cardiovascular Diseases.


Objective: to correlate cardiovascular risk factors of patients with kidney disease with elevated blood pressure levels. Methods: this is a cross-sectional study with 150 patients on hemodialysis. Two forms were used, one referring to socioeconomic factors and the other to lifestyle. Results: the sample consisted predominantly of male patients, aged over 52 years old, married and not working. Blood pressure levels were the most affected of the cardiovascular risk factors, where 78.0% had systolic blood pressure above ideal values. A statistically significant association was found between blood pressure and age (p=0.024) and between blood pressure and ability to deal with stress (p=0.015). Conclusion: through this study, it was verified that the statistical significance between the variables indicates that high systolic blood pressure, age and ability to deal with stress favor cardiovascular risk factors in patients with chronic kidney disease.



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How to Cite

Fé, Érika de M., Araújo, A. L. de, Moura, T. V. C., Araújo, D. A. M., Sousa, V. M. de, & Silva, A. R. V. da. (2018). Cardiovascular risk and lifestyle in patients with chronic kidney disease. Rev Rene, 19, e32550.



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