Sexually transmitted infections: sociodemographic data and risk factors in people with visual impairment




Sexually Transmitted Diseases; Risk Factors; Blindness; Sexuality; Nursing.


Objective: to identify associations between sociodemographic aspects and risk factors for sexually transmitted infections in people with visual impairment. Methods: a cross-sectional study using an interview with 58 people with severe visual impairment or blindness. The prevalence ratio and Chi-Square and Fisher’s tests were calculated. Results: it was verified the association of risk factors for sexually transmitted infections with the sociodemographic conditions of the participants. Sexual practice was significantly associated with age (p=0.022); the beginning of sexual practice associated with sex (p=0.009); the number of partners at sex (p=0.048) and marital status (p=0.048); the use of condoms during sexual intercourse also to sex (p=0.013) and to marital status (p=0.003). Conclusion: sociodemographic characteristics may interfere with the risk factors for sexually transmitted infections in people with visual impairment.


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How to Cite

Lima, S. P. de, França, I. S. X. de, Coura, A. S., Aragão, J. da S., Silva, A. F. R., & Santos, S. R. dos. (2018). Sexually transmitted infections: sociodemographic data and risk factors in people with visual impairment. Rev Rene, 19, e33484.



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