Construction and validation of behavioral technology to monitor child development milestones
Child Development, Primary Health Care, Validation Studies, Nursing.Abstract
Objective: to describe the process of construction and validation of behavioral technology to follow child development milestones. Methods: methodological study, construction and validation of behavioral technology, in the form of reminders, through the Delphi Technique, with the participation of 10 judges specialized in the field of child health and in validation of technologies. In order to analyze the content validity of the reminders, the Content Validity Index was used, with agreement of at least 80.0% to guarantee the validation of the material. Results: most of the judges were nurses and had a doctorate degree. The items were validated, obtaining 90.0% approval by the expert judges. The overall agreement validation index was 0.87; thus, the technology was considered adequate. Conclusion: the construction and validation of the behavioral technology can favor professionals’ adherence to the use of the Child Health Handbook to monitor child development.
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