Knowledge of Implanon® users: implications for nursing care




Knowledge; Contraception; Contraceptive Agents; Women’s Health.


Objective: to evaluate the knowledge of Implanon® users on the characteristics and side effects of the method. Methods: transversal research, with 106 Implanon® users, with data collected through a form. For bivariate analysis, the chi-square test and the likelihood ratio test were used. Results: the majority of women (91.5%) presented adequate knowledge about the fact that the method does not offer protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Regarding the side effects, 35.8% presented moderate knowledge. Years of study showed association with inadequate knowledge about the period of exchange and absence of knowledge about side effects. Time of use did not influence inadequate knowledge about characteristics and side effects. Conclusion: the majority of users presented adequate knowledge about the characteristics of the method, years of study obtained association with inadequate knowledge about the period of exchange and lack of knowledge about side effects.


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How to Cite

Rebouças, L. N., Moura, E. R. F., Gubert, F. do A., Almeida, P. C. de, Oriá, M. O. B., & Pinheiro, S. R. C. S. (2019). Knowledge of Implanon® users: implications for nursing care. Rev Rene, 20, e39700.



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