Validation of a technology for self-care of family caregivers of cancer patients in home-based palliative care
Oncology Nursing; Caregivers; Validation Studies; Educational Technology; Health Education.Abstract
Objective: to validate the content of a booklet to subsidize the self-care of family caregivers of cancer patients in home-based palliative care. Methods: this is a methodological study. The participants were 11 expert judges. This study was aided by a questionnaire organized according to a Likert scale with items distributed in objectives, structure, presentation and relevance. The quantitative verification of the results was based on a descriptive statistical analysis. Results: validation was based on the analysis of the judges, reaching a higher parameter than the one proposed (0.78) for the content validity index; the 21 items surpassed the value of 80.0%. Conclusion: it is considered that the booklet is validated and can promote self-care of caregivers of cancer patients in the home setting.
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