Behavior on hand hygiene practices of companions in inpatient wards
Health Promotion; Patient Escorts; Patient Safety; Hand Hygiene.Abstract
Objective: this study aimed to evaluate the hand hygiene routine of companions in inpatient units. Methods: it was an observational study with 50 companions, aged over 18 years and with clear language. A questionnaire and observation of hand hygiene moments were used. For analysis, descriptive statistics was applied. Results: the use of liquid soap (p=0.939), alcohol-based hand gel (p=0.939), collective use towel (p=0.939), disposable towels (p=0.939), higher frequency after going to the bathroom (p<0.000) and in health institutions (p<0.000) were verified. Nurses were presented the highest hand hygiene rates (p<0.000). Prevalent hygiene after visiting the patient (p<0.000) or viral outbreaks (p<0.000). Hand hygiene education provided by family (p=0.253) and caregivers (p=0.024). Conclusion: the main practices comprised hand hygiene after using the toilet and after contact with dirt or sick people. Furthermore, use of alcohol-based hand gel and disposable towels for hand hygiene before eating and after using public transport.
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