Monitoring of supplemental oxygen supply in neonates: challenges and potentialities
Oxygen Inhalation Therapy; Infant, Newborn; Nursing; Neonatology; Patient Care Team.Abstract
Objective: to evaluate the practices of the multidisciplinary team in monitoring supplemental oxygen offered to newborns. Methods: cross-sectional study with data from an observational instrument related to oxygen supply monitoring. Data collection occurred within one month, in the morning shift, and involved the observation of the practice of 104 professionals during a total of 22 days, and the checking of 188 monitors by the researcher. Results:the ratio monitors in the correct setting/monitors turned off or with altered setting resulted in a median of 0.43 and a standard deviation of 0.17.That is, 57.0% of the monitors were not properly set up. It was noteworthy that monitoring and blender were used in 100.0% of the newborns. Conclusion: it was found that the practices developed by the multidisciplinary team in this institution are in agreement with the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics, as monitoring and blender were used in all newborns receiving supplemental oxygen.
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