Perceptions of nursing professionals about humanization of childbirth in a hospital environment
Humanizing Delivery; Obstetric Nursing; Nursing Care; Humanization of Assistance.Abstract
Objective: to understand the perceptions of nursing professionals regarding the humanization of childbirth. Methods: a qualitative research, developed with 20 nursing professionals from a university hospital. Data collected through a non-participant observation and semi-structured interviews, recorded audio, guided by the following question: how do you perceive the humanization of childbirth in your work context? The interviews were fully transcribed and subjected to content analysis, thematic mode. Results: the following categories emerged: Characteristics attributed to the humanization of childbirth and Difficulties hindering humanization of childbirth. Conclusion: the professionals highlighted both the actions taken that reflect on the humanization of childbirth, and also the difficulties related to the structural and resource issues, that negatively reflect on the care quality provided, besides transferring the responsibility for improving the service, which belongs to everyone, not only to managers.
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