Quality of life in the puerperal period: importance and satisfaction
Quality of Life; Postpartum Period; Women’s Health; Obstetric Nursing.Abstract
Objective: to measure the quality of life of women who are experiencing the puerperium. Methods: cross-sectional study performed with 103 postpartum women, based on the application of the Ferrans and Powers Quality of Life Index. Results: the average overall quality of life index was 24.77 points. Among the domains, the highest score was obtained in the family domain, and the most affected was the socioeconomic. Presence of pain and socioeconomic conditions were the main reasons for postpartum dissatisfaction, while the most important and most satisfying item was Health of the child and of the family. Conclusion: the mothers had high quality of life scores. However, the socioeconomic domain was the most compromised and the family domain presented the best scores, indicating the importance and satisfaction linked to birth and family configuration.
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