Clinical and sociodemographic characterization of ostomized patients treated at a referral center




Ostomy; Health Profile; Nursing Care.


Objective: to characterize the epidemiological socio-clinical profile of the population with ostomy treated at a referral center. Methods: cross-sectional study with 255 records of the Primary Care Service for the Ostomized Person submitted to a descriptive and statistical analysis (chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test). Results: 54.1% were men, 56.5% elderly, 50.2% white, 46.7% had a partner, 59.2% had elementary school and 34.5% retired. Patients with colostomy, 71.4%, being 33.7% temporary, 69.4% due to neoplasms and 17.3% presented dermatitis. Only a correlation between presence of complications and gender of patients was observed (p=0.037). Conclusion: the data indicate a predominance of elderly, male, white, with partner, retirees and with a low education level. People with temporary colostomy, due to neoplasia, with dermatitis as the main complication, prevailed, showing a correlation between sex and the presented complication.


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How to Cite

Cerqueira, L. da C. N., Cacholi, S. A. B., Nascimento, V. da S., Koeppe, G. B. O. ., Torres, V. C. da P., & Oliveira, P. P. . (2020). Clinical and sociodemographic characterization of ostomized patients treated at a referral center. Rev Rene, 21, e42145.



Research Article