Social determinants of health of high-risk pregnant women during prenatal follow-up
Pregnancy, High-Risk; Prenatal Care; Social Determinants of Health.Abstract
Objective: to evaluate the social determinants of health of high-risk pregnant women during prenatal follow-up. Methods: observational and cross-sectional study with 276 high-risk pregnant women. Data were collected by applying a structured questionnaire about the social determinants of health, as well as clinical and obstetric data from high-risk pregnant women. Data were analyzed using the Jamovi® statistical software, version 0.9, and discussed according to the Dahlgren and Whitehead’s Model. Results: individual conditions; behavior and lifestyle; social and community network; and the condition of life, such as work, health, education, sanitation and housing may constitute a risk or health protection factor for pregnant women. Conclusion: determinants such as age, race, type of pregnancy, educational level, housing situation and access to health services were considered favorable to the health of most pregnant women, but the prevalence of unplanned pregnancy as unfavorable behavior.
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