Burnout syndrome and perceptions about safety climate among intensive care professionals





Nursing; Depersonalization; Patient Safety; Burnout, Psychological; Intensive Care Units.


Objective: to analyze the relationship between Burnout Syndrome and perceptions about safety climate among intensive care professionals. Methods: a cross-sectional study with 51 health professionals from a public hospital in northeastern Brazil. The following instruments were applied: the Maslach Burnout Inventory, the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire, and a Sociodemographic questionnaire. Descriptive, analytical (Spearman’s test) and inferential statistics were adopted. Results: there was a high level of emotional exhaustion (64.7%) and low levels of depersonalization (74.5%) and personal accomplishment (56.8%) in the Burnout assessment. The safety climate was considered satisfactory, with the Safe Behaviors domain having the highest average. There was a moderate correlation between the Stress recognition and Depersonalization subscales. Conclusion: there was a correlation between safety climate and Burnout in the Stress recognition and Depersonalization dimensions, with the latter being considered a consequence of stressful factors which distance professionals from patients.


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How to Cite

Sousa, A. K. A. de, Ribeiro, S. B. ., Vasconcelos, P. F. de, Oliveira, R. M., Silva, M. E. da, Freire, V. E. C. de S., & Sousa, V. T. dos S. (2020). Burnout syndrome and perceptions about safety climate among intensive care professionals . Rev Rene, 21, e43868. https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.20202143868



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