Analysis of self-care videos on YouTube about exchange of intestinal ostomy bags
Ostomy; Self Care; Health Education; Nursing Care; Disease Management.Abstract
Objective: to analyze YouTube videos about self-care during the exchange of ostomy bags. Methods: quantitative, descriptive research, carried out on Google. Descriptive statistics and the Kruskal-Wallis test were used. Results: of the 32 videos analyzed, 15 addressed the exchange of the one-piece bag and 20, the exchange of two, of these, three presented both bags. The items less performed when exchanging bags for one (73.0%) and two (95.0%) were related for proper collection from the collector. As for the association between who conducted the videos of one and two pieces and the number of hits and errors, there weren´t significant differences (p=0.896; p=0.953). Conclusion: the videos didn´t include all the elements about self-care during the exchange of ostomy bags, especially with regard to the adequate removal of the collector; however, they provided general information about the exchange of the bag and which can assist in the self-care of this people.
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