Motorcycle accidents: characteristics of the victims and accidents at a hospital in Fortaleza– CE, Brazil


  • Luciene Miranda de Andrade
  • Maria Alzete de Lima
  • Carlos Helano Cosmo da Silva
  • Joselany Áfio Caetano


Nursing, Motorcycle, Epidemiological profile, Prevention of accidents.


This is a retrospective and quantitative study which was developed at a public reference hospital for emergency care to trauma victims. The goal was to look at the epidemiological characteristics of motorcycle accidents, focusing on the safety measures used by their drivers. The sample consisted of 306 trauma victims in Fortaleza-CE, Brazil, in 2005. The results showed that 301 were men, 138 were between 18 and 29 years old and 193 had come from the countryside. Almost half of the accidents (154), happened on Saturdays and Sundays, mainly between midday and midnight. Collision was the most frequent event, with 211 cases, 127 of the victims had multiple traumas. Among such victims, 158 had no driver’s license, 160 were not using a helmet and 186 had not consumed alcoholic beverages. These results alert to the importance of intensifying educational campaigns about traffic accidents, covering not only capitals, but mainly the countryside.




How to Cite

Andrade, L. M. de, Lima, M. A. de, Silva, C. H. C. da, & Caetano, J. Áfio. (2009). Motorcycle accidents: characteristics of the victims and accidents at a hospital in Fortaleza– CE, Brazil. Rev Rene, 10(4). Retrieved from



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