Prevention of dst´s/aids: an approach close to adolescents’ families


  • Thereza Christina Julião
  • Ana Fátima Carvalho Fernandes
  • Almerinda Holanda Gurgel


Prevention, Sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, Adolescence, Family.


This study has as objective to know how the families are prepared and their performance before the prevention of DST/AIDS for youths. It is an exploratory and descriptive study, with qualitative approach. The data were collected with 15 families originating from municipal district of Redenção – Ceará, in the period of January to February of 1999, analyzed in agreement with the methodology proposed by Bardin (1977) and it allowed the construction of the following ones thematic: Knowledge on DST / AIDS, Performance of the Family and Changing Directions. It was verified that the families use the dialogue with advertisement in the youths’ education for the prevention, however it dashes in barriers as: prejudices, taboos, shame, the youths’ easiness with the personal risk and lack of time of the country. It was ended that the families don’t have enough knowledge on DST/AIDS, and they don’t participate in an efficient way in the prevention of this diseases, hindering like this the adolescents’ education.


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How to Cite

Julião, T. C., Fernandes, A. F. C., & Gurgel, A. H. (2001). Prevention of dst´s/aids: an approach close to adolescents’ families. Rev Rene, 2(1). Retrieved from



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