Factors that interfere with total physical inactivity in overweight women
Motor Activity; Epidemiologic Factors; Wo- men; Obesity; Sedentary Behavior.Abstract
Objective: to investigate the variables that interfere with total physical inactivity in overweight women. Methods: cross-sectional research that collected sociodemographic data, self-perceived health, self-efficacy for physical activity, weight, and height in 142 women. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire was used to evaluate physical activity. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used. A 5% statistical significance level was adopted. Results: the prevalence of total physical inactivity was 34.5%. A significant association between total physical inactivity and age was found in the bivariate analysis. In the multivariate analysis, only women with regular and poor self-perceived health showed an increase of 124% and 150%, respectively, of total physical inactivity. Conclusion: physical inactivity was associated with regular and poor self-perception of health, being a health parameter for the development of health promotion policies and actions.
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