Access to the care network by children and adolescents with special health needs
Health Services Accessibility; Disabled Persons; Child Health; Adolescent Health.Abstract
Objective: to understand the access to the care network for children and adolescents with special needs from the perspective of professionals. Methods: qualitative study carried out in an Association of Parents and Friends of Exceptional Children. The semi-structured interview was used,with representation through the cloud of words. Participated in the research 11 professionals who work in health care and special education. Results: from the professionals’ perspective, the access to the network of care for children and adolescents comes from the special care and education offered by the Association. The participants highlighted the difficulties of access of children and adolescents to health services and the diversity of activities used so that they can socialize, interact, and form bonds. Conclusion: the access of children and adolescents to the attention network occurs through the services of the Association, represented by the clinic for health care and the school for development and social inclusion.
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