Recommendations for nursing care for self-injury among adolescents and young people: a systematic review
Adolescent; Young Adult; Self-Injurious Behavior; Nursing Care; Review.Abstract
Objective: to map the recommendations for nursing care in non-suicidal self-injury among adolescents and young people. Methods: this is a systematic review using meta-aggregation to synthesize studies with qualitative data, as recommended by the JBI. The search was conducted in the LILACS and BDENF databases; MEDLINE; CINAHL; Web of Science; APA PsycInfo; EBSCOhost; Scopus Preview; Embase; and PubMed Central repository. Results: a total of 16 studies were included, and two synthesized findings were identified. The first identified the importance of relationships permeated by bonding and trust, free from stigmas involving the adolescent or young person as protagonists. The second finding highlighted the need for adequate nursing training, in addition to physical preparation of the different services to accommodate this population in situations of self-injury. Conclusion: care needs to be performed in a humanized manner, with the building of trust and in a welcoming environment. The focus should be on actions guided by the community and the interprofessional and intersectoral logic. Contributions to practice: the need for systematization of individualized care centered on the adolescent/young person and family is highlighted. Continuing education and mental health support from Nursing are recommended.
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