Trait anxiety in nursing undergraduates: relationships with interpersonal communication competence and sociodemographic characteristics
Communication; Students, Nursing; Nursing Care; Interpersonal Relations.Abstract
Objective: to correlate trait anxiety among nursing undergraduates with interpersonal communication competence and sociodemographic characteristics. Methods: this cross-sectional study examined key variables, including communication competence, social characteristics, and trait anxiety. The sample consisted of 30 participants, with a mean age of 24.3 (± 8.5). Results: the correlation between trait anxiety and interpersonal communication competence was low (p=0.251). Students who worked, particularly in nursing-related fields, exhibited higher trait anxiety scores, averaging 62.3 (± 10.3). Within interpersonal communication competence, the domain of Self-disclosure had the highest score (15.0), while Interaction management scored the lowest (8.0). Conclusion: the correlation between trait anxiety and interpersonal communication competence was low, though there was a tendency toward increased scale scores. Working students, especially those in nursing, demonstrated higher trait anxiety scores and greater difficulty in developing empathy. Contributions to practice: students must develop communication skills and learn to manage anxiety to feel more secure and competent. Sociodemographic characteristics, such as age, experience, and responsibilities, directly impact this competence.
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