Challenges and perspectives of mothers of children with microcephaly due to Zika virus infection
Zika Virus; Mothers; Microcephaly; Child.Abstract
Objective: to understand the challenges and perspectives of mothers of children with microcephaly due to Zika virus infection. Methods: qualitative study carried out with twelve mothers of children with microcephaly due to Zika virus at a pediatric public hospital. Data were collected through a semi-structured interview and submitted to content analysis. Results: the speeches revealed the mothers were mostly unaware of the occurrence of Zika virus infection in pregnancy, and the moment of diagnosis was characterized by surprise and suffering, despite the observed overcoming. Many of them did not know the meaning of microcephaly and did not know what changes and limitations their children might have. In describing the difficulties in caring for the child, mothers attached to spirituality as a form of coping. Conclusion: microcephaly brought a new reality to the investigated women, who sometimes denied their own reality, demonstrating in the speeches many challenges and few perspectives.
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