Literature and memory: The Fortress of São José de Macapá in the context of the military dictatorship regime in Macapá (1964-1973)


  • Fernando Pimentel Canto Unifap
  • Isabelle Braz Peixoto da Silva UFC


Memory, Identity, Literature, Fortress of São José of Macapá, Brazilian military dictatorship


The present article aims to approach the literature produced during the military dictatorship regime that was established in Macapá (1964), capital of the then Federal Territory of Amapá, until the year of Operation Engasga-Engasga (1973), when dozens of people were arrested In the dungeons of the Fortress of São José de Macapá (FSJM), accused of subversion. These facts appear in texts of amapaenses and local periodicals, with manifestations of order and political contraord on the FSJM, instigating the reflection on the memory and the social consequences of the dictatorial period. The article was produced from facts narrated by journalists, poets and novelists and by testimonies of people who experienced those events. It was verified that the FSJM was the scene of several political actions, reproduced in memory and local literature


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How to Cite

Canto, F. P., & Silva, I. B. P. da. (2018). Literature and memory: The Fortress of São José de Macapá in the context of the military dictatorship regime in Macapá (1964-1973). Revista De Ciências Sociais (Social Sciences’ Journal), 49(2_Jul/Out), 299–341. Retrieved from



Especial: O Amapá como desafio sociológico