The Arthur Ramos Collection: from musealization to (in)visibility and forgetting


  • Icléia Thiesen Magalhães Costa UNIRIO


In his career as a social scientist, Arthur Ramos accumulated a vast collection which illustrates and documents the research carried out throughout time, and which comprised the Arthur Ramos Collection, partly acquired by the Universidade Federal do Ceará in 1959, following his early death. How was this collection built up and what are its features? What is the state of the arts of this trove of documents under the custody of the institution which acquired it? The centennial of Arthur Ramos' birth, celebrated in 2003, have inspired the writing of this article which aims at not only paying homage to this dedicated scholar of Black culture, but also disclosing the existence of these National Heritage and History materials in their collection process.

Author Biography

Icléia Thiesen Magalhães Costa, UNIRIO

Doutora em Ciência da Informação, Professora do Curso de História e do Mestrado em Memória Social e Documento da UNIRIO


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How to Cite

Costa, I. T. M. (2018). The Arthur Ramos Collection: from musealization to (in)visibility and forgetting. Revista De Ciências Sociais (Social Sciences’ Journal), 35(1), 115–128. Retrieved from