The theoretical dialogue between Francisco de Oliveira and Celso Furtado: critical thinking and reformist action




The critical analysis made by the sociologist Francisco de Oliveira about Celso Furtado's work presented important contributions to the understanding of the Brazilian reality and mark the national theoretical debate in the period in which it was produced. This article aims to analyze the central elements of this debate, confirming the main criticisms presented by Francisco de Oliveira to the Furtadian thought, especially regarding the class relations in the internal scope, the importance that the State exerted to allow the Brazilian capitalist accumulation and the functionality that the “archaic” sectors had for the expansion of modern sectors. With this, we will verify that this theoretical debate has complementary aspects and ratify the need for understanding the work of these important Brazilian thinkers who contributed so much to the understanding of the national reality.

Author Biography

Alex Hotz Moret, FMU/SP

Possui graduação e mestrado em Ciências Econômicas pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP). Atualmente é professor universitário (FMU/SP) e pesquisador do Núcleo de Economia Política da FMU (NEP/FMU) onde leciona disciplinas na área de Macroeconomia e Economia Brasileira. 



How to Cite

Moret, A. H. (2020). The theoretical dialogue between Francisco de Oliveira and Celso Furtado: critical thinking and reformist action. Revista De Ciências Sociais (Social Sciences’ Journal), 51(1), 155–194.



Dossiê: Centenário de Celso Furtado