Castoriadis and the Social Imaginary in an experience of building rural sustainability in Northeast Brazil


  • Maria da Conceição Alves Rodrigues Universidade Estadual da Paraíba - UEPB



knowledge relations, rural sustainability, rural extension, social imaginary.


The purpose of this article is to analyze the knowledge relationships that are articulated in projects of maintainable rural development construction for the semiarid region in the Northeast of Brazil, analyzing the farmers’ daily practices and their relationship with the technological practices spread by non-governmental organizations (NGOs). In methodological terms, it was considered feasible to place farmers in the spaces of the social imaginary according to the perspective of Cornelius Castoriadis (1982), considering their experiences from the way of feeling, thinking and acting in the daily life of doing. The study revealed that the interaction of knowledge was structured under the perspective not only of the implementation of alternative technologies to live with droughts, but also in the principles of maintenance of family farming, having as reference the traditional experience in the material and symbolic production of their lives.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, M. da C. A. (2023). Castoriadis and the Social Imaginary in an experience of building rural sustainability in Northeast Brazil. Revista De Ciências Sociais (Social Sciences’ Journal), 54(1), 239–258.