Nutritive value of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) silages enriched with tropical fruits processing byproducts.
fermentation, pH, agro industrial byproducts.Abstract
This study aimed to evaluate the nutritive value of elephant-grass silages enriched with five levels (0; 5; 10; 15, and, 20%) of pineapple, passion fruit and melon processing byproducts in three different assays. Data were analyzed in a completely randomized design with four replicates. After 40 days of ensiling, the silos (100 x 340 mm) were opened and samples collected for analysis. The minimum DM content of 30%, which characterizes a silage as good quality, was reached with addition of 15.11% of melon byproducts (P < 0.05). That minimum, however, wasn’t reached (P > 0.05) with addition of 20% of pineapple or passion fruit byproducts. The minimum level of CP (6 - 8%), required for a normal ruminal function, was reached with addition of 0 to 20% of pineapple and passion fruit (P < 0.05) and addition of 12.42% of melon byproduct. NDF levels decreased (P < 0.05) with addition of pineapple and passion fruit byproducts. Hemicelluloses levels decreased with addition of passion fruit and melon byproducts and increased with addition of pineapple byproducts. ADF content decreased (P < 0.05) with addition of pineapple byproducts and increased (P < 0.05) with addition of melon byproducts and was not affected by addition of passion fruit byproducts. pH values increased (P < 0.05) with addition of melon byproducts and was not affected (P > 0.05) by addition of other byproducts. Elephant grass silage nutritive value was improved by pineapple and passion fruit byproducts, but was not affected by addition of melon byproducts.Downloads
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