Adaptability and phenotypic stability to the character in grain yield varieties of soybeans for the State of Ceará


  • Francisco Dias Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • João Pitombeira Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Elizita Teófilo Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Felipe Barbosa Universidade Federal do Ceará


With the objective of evaluating the adaptability and stability of seven genotypes of soy (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) in grain production, the methodology proposed by Eberhart e Russell (1966)was used. Four competition assays were done in the State of Ceara((Pentecoste (2005), Quixadá (2005), Pentecoste (2006) and Quixadá (2006)). The cultivaars BRS TRACAJÁ and ME BR 97 1665 had presented coefficients of regression below the unit (βli<1) and production of grains above the general average, indicating favorable adaptability to the tested environments. The cultivars BRS JUÇARA (βli>1) presented a coefficient of regression above unit and a production of grains below the general average, demonstrating adaptability to favorable environments. The cultivars BRS ME, 165 SERIDÓ, 219 BRS Boa Vista and BRS CANDEIA, presented regression coefficients equal to the unit (β1i =1) and production below average. The cultivars BRS TRACAJÁ, BRS SAMBAÍBA and MA BR 97 1665, detached from the others by presenting production of grains above the general average, ample adaptability,  demonstrating potential to be cultivated in the State of the Ceará.


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