Agronomic efficiency of two organic residues on the revegetation of a red Oxisol C-horizon


  • Rodrigo Corrêa Universidade de Brasília
  • Gustavo Baptista Universidade Católica de Brasília
  • Alexander Balduíno Companhia de Saneamento do Distrito Federal
  • Lucas Silva Universidade de Guelph – Canadá


Land incorporation of organic matter is a way to create edafic conditions to establish plants on spoils exposed by mining and building activities. This work aimed to measure the efficiency of two municipal organic residues (domestic sewage sludge and composted solid waste) to develop a grassy cover on a red Oxisol C-horizon exposed to surface by construction works. Application rates from 0 to 76 t ha-1 (dry solids) of these residues were plowed into the spoils of experimental blocks and the grassy cover development on them was monitored. Results indicated that sewage sludge was from 1.8 to 6.2 times more efficient than composted municipal solid waste to develop vegetative cover on the plots’ surface, since sewage sludge had a superior performance to raise spoil’s CEC and to supply N, P, K, Ca, and Zn to plants.






Ciência do Solo e Engenharia Agrícola