Influence of fertilization with phosphorus and potassium in the emergency of seedlings and yield of crop soybean
Glycine max. Fertilizers. Formulation. Position of the fertilizer.Abstract
The salinity effect of different fertilizers depends on the formulation and the used doses. In this study, was evaluated the effect of the fertilization with phosphorus and potassium in the emergency of seedlings and yield of a field crop of soybean. The treatments consisted on the combination of different fertilizer formulations (0-25-25, 0-20-20 and simple superphosphate) distributed in four positions in the soil (in the line - 3 centimeters below the surface, in the line - 7 centimeters below the surface, in the space between lines - 7 centimeters below the surface and on the surface of the soil) and a witness without application, in the scheme of split plot with additional witness. A randomized complete block design with four replications was used. The evaluated characteristics were: percentage of the field emergency, speed of emergency, index of emergency speed, analyses of phosphorus amount and potassium in leaves, mass of one thousand seeds and yield. The distribution of the formulation 0-25-25 in the line together with the seeds 3 centimeters below the surface of the soil did not provoke harmful salinity effect to the emergency of seedlings. The highest yield was reached using fertilizer formulation 0-20-20 and simple superphosphate in the space between lines. The highest yield was related to the increase in the mass of one thousand seeds.Downloads
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