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Luciana de Sousa Santos; Aline de Freitas Valadão Rosa; Juliano Lima Soares
Diversity and inclusion in the accounting environment: A bibliometric study
Diversidade e inclusão no ambiente contábil: Um estudo bibliométrico
Diversidad e inclusión en el entorno contable: Un estudio bibliométrico
Contextus – Revista Contemporânea de Economia e Gestão, vol. 22, núm. 1, Esp., e83522, 2024
Universidade Federal do Ceará

Abstract: Background: Promoting diversity and inclusion is essential for equity in organizations, yet its application remains nascent in Brazil, especially in the accounting sector, where managing diversity can enhance organizational image and effectiveness.

Purpose: The purpose of this research was to identify, based on scientific articles, the context in which diversity and inclusion permeate the accounting science.

Method: Bibliometric study was adopted as a method of identifying the articles available in the Spell database, which addressed the theme. The quantitative analysis took place with 110 articles; after applying filters, the RSL was performed on 48 articles. They were organized into categories: publications and researchers; journals and citations; and contents.

Results: The results showed that organizations that value this theme present better results and profitability.

Conclusions: The contributions of the research from a theoretical perspective highlight the state of the art, providing a broader view of the debate on diversity and inclusion in the field of accounting science; highlighting gaps to be explored in future research. A limitation is the survey conducted using only one database.

Keywords: diversity, inclusion, accounting, organization, bibliometric.

Resumo: Contextualização: A promoção da diversidade e inclusão é essencial para a equidade nas organizações, e sua aplicação ainda é incipiente no Brasil, especialmente no ambiente contábil, onde a gestão da diversidade pode melhorar a imagem e a efetividade organizacional.

Objetivo: objetivo deste artigo foi identificar, com base em artigos científicos, o contexto em que diversidade e inclusão permeiam o campo da ciência contábil.

Método: Adotou-se o estudo bibliométrico como método de identificação dos artigos disponíveis na base de dados Spell, que abordavam a temática. Foi feita uma revisão sistemática da literatura para compreensão de como a temática tem sido discutida. A análise quantitativa, por meio da bibliometria, se deu com 110 artigos; após aplicação de filtros, foi realizada a RSL em 48 artigos que contemplam a temática na contabilidade, organizados em categorias: publicações e pesquisadores; periódicos e citações; e conteúdos.

Resultados: Os resultados apontaram que as organizações que valorizam a diversidade e inclusão, apresentam melhores resultados e lucratividade.

Conclusões: As contribuições da pesquisa na perspectiva teórica evidenciam o estado da arte, fornecendo uma visão mais ampla do debate sobre diversidade e inclusão no campo da ciência contábil; evidenciando lacunas a serem exploradas em futuras pesquisa. Como limitação aponta-se o levantamento em apenas uma base de dados.

Palavras-chave: diversidade, inclusão, contabilidade, organização, bibliométrico.

Resumen: Contextualización: La promoción de la diversidad e inclusión es esencial para la equidad en las organizaciones, y su aplicación aún es incipiente en Brasil, especialmente en el entorno contable, donde la gestión de la diversidad puede mejorar la imagen y la efectividad organizacional.

Objetivo: El objetivo fue identificar, a partir de artículos científicos, el contexto en el que la diversidad y la inclusión permean la ciencia contable.

Método: Se adoptó el estudio bibliométrico como método de identificación de los artículos disponibles en la base de datos Spell. El análisis cuantitativo se realizó con 110 artículos; después de aplicar los filtros, se realizó la LSR a 48 artículos. Se organizaron en categorías: publicaciones e investigadores; periódicos y citas; y contenidos.

Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que las organizaciones que valoran este tema presentan mejores resultados y rentabilidad.

Conclusiones: Las contribuciones de la investigación en la perspectiva teórica evidencian el estado del arte, proporcionando una visión más amplia del debate sobre diversidad e inclusión en el campo de la ciencia contable; evidenciando lagunas a ser exploradas en futuras investigaciones. Como limitación, se señala el levantamiento en una sola base de datos.

Palabras clave: diversidad, inclusión, contabilidad, organización, bibliométrico.

Article cover

Diversity and inclusion in the accounting environment: A bibliometric study

Diversidade e inclusão no ambiente contábil: Um estudo bibliométrico

Diversidad e inclusión en el entorno contable: Un estudio bibliométrico

Luciana de Sousa Santos
Unibras – Rio Verde University Center / GO, Brasil
Aline de Freitas Valadão Rosa
Federal University of Goiás (UFG)., Brasil
Juliano Lima Soares
Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), Brasil
Contextus – Revista Contemporânea de Economia e Gestão, vol. 22, núm. 1, Esp., e83522, 2024
Universidade Federal do Ceará

Recepción: 05 Marzo 2023

Aprobación: 03 Abril 2024

Publicación: 17 Septiembre 2024


Introducing actions and practices of diversity and inclusion envolves a challenge faced by the administration, because their essence that is based on the defense and on the promotion of the rights between the subject and its organization (Conceição & Spink, 2013). The theme “diversity and inclusion” have been inserted in the Brazilian context. Conceição and Spink (2013) considers that the practice is not efective yet. The debate about the diversity in the organizational enviroment is relevant to manage heterogenic groups, seeking the efective comitment of the oganization to manage, that is not restrict to the hiring, because it needs to “include” the subject (Teixeira et al., 2021).

In that context, diversity and inclusion supplements each other. The inclusion is conceptualized by Freire (2008) as an educational, social and political movement, that aims to defend the right of the citizens to participate, in a conscious and responsable way, of the society, to be accepted and respected in their differences. Diversity is defined by Fleury (2000) as an interaction between people with a sort of carachteristics, in a same ensemble, that divides among the privileged people and those who are in a situation of social disadvantage, that is, minorized. Thus, in the current conjecture, the topic of diversity has been debated even more in Brazil, due to its known history of cultural richness, leading diversity management, through people management, to a constant search for social integration and inclusion. (Queiroz et al., 2018, p. 17).

Saraiva and Irigaray (2009), and Alves and Galeão-Silva (2004) confirms that the recognizement and the value of individual characteristics in their teams, when enfatized by organizations, tend to present better results. Furthermore, Hayes (2002) highlights that the feeling of being welcomed as a member within institutions, being recognized and valued for their skills and unique contributions to its success, contributes favorably to the individual giving their best in this environment. In this way, managing diversity, a concept still under construction (Fleury, 2000), becomes a matter of survival for organizations, given the increase in the increasingly heterogeneous workforce (Thomas, 1990).

Hunt et al. (2018) says, in a research paper from McKinsey, that the organizations with ethinical-racial diversity in high level of leadership presents 33% more of the capacity of obtaining profits. Likewise, those who has a gender diversity shows high potential of been profitables, about 22 and 23%, among the more than a thousand companies from 15 countries that were interviewed.

Notwithstanding, the plurality of identities is not characterized by those two categories, because Maccali et al. (2015) understands that the diversity is multidimensional and, consequently, envolves a sort of characteristics, like: etnical-racial factor, gender, sexual orientation, generation, social class, fisical and mental capacities, family, religion, demography, profession, politics and, alson, another personal affiliation (Carneiro, 1995). Notwithstanding, companies superficially adopt inclusive practices to legitimize themselves with the market (Lounsbury & Crumley, 2007), or with customers (Wailes & Michelson, 2008). In this sense, Campos (2019) says that:

[…] the way in which companies currently seek to demonstrate engagement with diversity causes, especially with a focus on the inclusion of black people in the corporate environment of companies/brands, can give them a qualitative result regarding their image, from the moment the authentic It's what you show and not what you actually are (p. 32).

Therefore, there is an absence of implementation of diversity and inclusion practices in the accounting market, which can be seen in the study by Santiago et al. (2019), which was carried out in different areas of Accounting, with individuals working in the most varied positions, in which there were certain discomforts, essentially in relation to gender diversity, since they did not consider themselves to belong to the organization to the point of assuming their identities.

Another question concerning organizations concerns the fact that they present discourses of “embracing the cause”, although Desai (2020) emphasizes the urgency of encouraging diversity and inclusion. In this sense, Fleury (2000) says that, in a country like Brazil, where society was built and remains heterogeneous, with many social inequalities, the theme “cultural diversity” assumes relevance, and must be highlighted in debates. Marques et al. (2020) analyzed research on this topic. They concluded that there is no consistency in publications on this topic. This variability of articles in the period analyzed made it impossible to identify a trend or projection regarding future research on the subject in question, especially in the context of Accounting, a fact that motivated the research that gave rise to this article. Therefore, the following research question was formulated: What has been published in Brazil about diversity and inclusion in the Accounting Science environment in organizations?

Thus, the objective of this research is to analyze, based on scientific articles already published, the context in which the theme “diversity and social inclusion” permeates the accounting environment. The results obtained through this study contribute to deepening internal and external discussions on the topic, involving an organizational context and the dissemination of diversity and inclusion, contributing to the stimulation or even impulse of the adoption of inclusion practices, improving the image of companies, the search for talent recognition and development, as well as attracting clients who perceive diversity and inclusion as a social responsibility. The research also provides the awakening of social awareness, as factors such as social responsibility and the re-education of prejudices and discrimination are points discussed when talking about inclusion and diversity. Furthermore, from a theoretical perspective, the research elucidates the state of the art, providing a broader view of the debate on diversity and inclusion in the field of accounting science; highlighting gaps to be explored in future research.

2.1 Diversity

Brazil can be seen as one of the countries with the greatest cultural diversity, perhaps because it is considered, worldwide, as the fifth largest country in terms of size and population. Added to this is its entire history, which has been characterized since its discovery by the relationship between different peoples, such as natives, immigrants from the European, African and Asian continents (Teixeira et al., 2021). However, even presenting a scenario of all this cultural diversity, discrimination against some groups can be seen, which triggers social inequality, which can be explained by the refusal to admit the existence of discrimination, justified by miscegenation (Alves & Galeão-Silva, 2004). Regarding the concept of diversity, Lapolli et al. (2022) argue that diversity is associated with the historical, social, political and cultural context, which means a representation of a society; however, its understanding can permeate the expansion of individuality, which has its representation in a social model, presenting a complex conception as the basic format of society (Lapolli et al., 2022).

Alves and Galeão-Silva (2004) mention that, in Brazil, discussions on the subject have taken longer compared to other countries, emerging since 1990, although public affirmative action policies have emerged since 1960. This, possibly, It originates from the contradiction conveyed by the ideology of the myth of racial democracy, which insists on not admitting the existence of discrimination regarding diversity. That said, it is considered that, in a society made up of individuals with different characteristics, different organizations are also formed (Carneiro & Santos, 1985). In this way, Fleury (2000) defines diversity as an interaction of people with their different characteristics in the same group, which is divided between those who find themselves, in some way, in a situation of social disadvantage, in a relationship between minority and the majority, which is the ensemble.

Fleury (2000) also proposes that diversity management is related to increasing the diversification of the workforce and the search for competitive advantage within organizations. Therefore, it is considered that managers rely on the diversity of the available workforce to seek a competitive advantage, seeking to implement practices that contribute to improving results. With this, it is expected that these organizations value the potential workforce that society offers, without there being any distinction, because, according to the Federal Constitution of 1988, in its article 5, everyone is equal before the Law, as well as they have the right to life, liberty, equality, security and property (Brasil, 1988).

Based on the assumption that organizations operate in a dynamic market, to obtain better results, they must seek to accompany the various changes within this context, to perceive diversity as an opportunity to become more competitive, recognizing and valuing its professionals. In other words, being able to understand that all human capital individually has values that contribute to the better development of a team, and, therefore, of the organization itself.

Given the above, it is possible to state that diversity and inclusion can be understood as interdependent, since, in addition to having distinct individuals on the team, there is also the need to create a feeling of belonging in them, which occurs through of inclusion practices, as discussed in the following topic.

2.2 Inclusion

The word inclusion, according to Aurélio (2021, para. 1), “is the action or effect of”; the prefix “in” means “in/within”, and “claudere” expresses “to close”. Camargo (2017) asserts that inclusion is a social practice based on attitude and perception of things, of oneself and of others, applied in all environments, such as work, education, culture, among others. In this way, inclusion practices aim to promote the effective participation of all human beings, especially those who are particularly excluded from the most diverse social environments.

One of the reasons why inclusion is difficult to implement is the lack of a clearer definition (Freire, 2008). In this context, what does inclusion mean? The authors Almeida and Gatti (2020) sought this definition and found that the answer depends on the social and ideological place that the respondent occupies. Consequently, it can be said that there are several meanings assumed in this word. Inclusion is an antithesis of exclusion; it is a universal and endless movement, since, for there to be an inclusive movement, there must be “excluded” (Mitller, 2003). This movement, according to the author, is based on a system of values, which makes individuals feel welcome, thus celebrating diversity, regardless of scope.

In this research, the inclusion approach is aimed at organizations. For Ferdman et al. (2009), inclusion is a way of making members of various groups feel included, so that they have equal opportunities and are treated fairly. Zanelli et al. (2014) clarify that there is no possibility of dissociating inclusion from exclusion, since, in the organizational field, working conditions can be interpreted as inclusive or exclusionary. Despite company's efforts to retain diverse talent in their workforce, the authors found that minority groups (Souza, 2021) still face discrimination. This suggests that diversity is not a guarantee that there will be inclusion, which reinforces the need to deepen into its indicators, differentiating them from those used for diversity (Roberson, 2006).

Theorists Nguyen et al. (2023) and Mor Barak and Cherin (1998) sought to understand this process of inclusion and exclusion in companies. To this end, the authors captured three forms of conceptualizations of inclusion, providing a comprehensive perception of the clusters of topics focused on inclusion and measurement instruments. The authors also recommended a form of inclusion focused on empirical evidence related to inclusion in the workplace.

Ferdman (2020), on the other hand, addressed inclusive leadership as an attempt to understand, through differences, value the identities involved in work processes, as “Inclusive leaders facilitate participation, voice and belonging – without demanding assimilation and, at the same time, promoting equity and justice across identities” (p. 1). As such, the topic gains academic relevance, given the importance of adopting diversity and inclusion as a strategy to enhance business, and stimulate creativity and innovation.


Bibliometric research is widely used as a form of quantitative and qualitative analysis of data obtained from bibliographic sources. According to Moed (2005), this research methodology is particularly useful in areas with many publications, such as science, technology and social sciences. Cronin (1984) highlights that the analysis of citations in scientific works is one of the main aspects of bibliometric research, allowing the identification of trends, themes and patterns in each area of study. Glänzel and Moed (2017) emphasize that the use of publication and patent statistics is one of the main approaches to bibliometric research for the analysis of science and technology systems. Furthermore, Egghe (2006) recalls the importance of the “G” index as an indicator of scientific productivity, while Bornmann (2014) approaches the advantages and disadvantages of using altmetrics as a way of evaluating the impact of scientific research.

To produce this article, bibliometric analysis was used as the main method. The approach adopted is quantitative-quali: quantitative in terms of surveying scientific articles published on diversity and inclusion; and qualitative regarding the Content Analysis of these articles, which sought to understand how the topic has been approached by scientific research within Applied Social Sciences, in particular, Accounting Science. The scope of this article is limited to published studies, covering only works that present the terms “diversity” and/or “inclusion”, either in their title or in their group of keywords.

3.1 Data selection

The database for this work were collected in the following: a search was carried out using the terms “diversity” and “inclusion” as selection criteria in the Scientific Periodicals Electronic Library (Spell) database. Considered as an initiative of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Administration (Anpad), Spell consists of a repository of scientific works in the area of Applied Social Sciences, particularly in the areas of Public and Business Administration, Accounting and Tourism, arranged in a system of indexing, research and free availability of scientific production (Spell, 2012), which meets the purpose of this work, which is to carry out a bibliometric analysis based on scientific articles already published in the mentioned area.

Thus, the database was chosen as a survey source for research. As the database is relatively recent, the entire period available until June 2021 was considered, where articles published on the subject since 1991 were found. To identify these works, the following descriptors were used: “diversity” and “inclusion”, in the Spell database, as shown in Table 1:

Table 1
Articles selected for sample

Source: Own elaboration.

In Spell, the “keyword” field was selected, and the term “diversity” was inserted. The search had a total of 65 results. After that, filters were applied: 1) Type of document: paper; 2) Area of knowledge: Accounting, reaching a total of 25 papers. Next, the “title” field was selected and the same descriptor was searched for: “diversity”. As a result, the search returned a total of 110 results. Then, the same filters were applied again, reaching a total of 39 articles. Next, the same criteria were applied to the term “inclusion”. When using it as a keyword, we obtained a result of 42 works. With the application of the filters, the number of works was reduced to 12. When the term was defined for the title, the search presented 137 papers as a result, a quantity that was reduced to 34, when the filters already described above were applied.

Given the searches, a result of 110 papers was found, among which we analyzed through the title and reading the summary of those mentioned, excluding those that were repeated, since they presented the term “diversity” or “inclusion”, both in the keyword and in the title, reaching a sample of 78. Furthermore, another 30 were excluded from the sample, as they did not cover the accounting area, and were therefore not in line with the objective of the work, which is related to accounting topics. Thus, a final sample of 48 papers was obtained to support the research analysis, as shown in Table 1.

3.2 Data analysis technique

Initially, using the bibliometric study, which according to Lopes, Antunes and Rodrigues (2018) consists of a quantitative technique that allows measuring numerical and statistical data and can build indices on a given scientific production, it was possible to analyze bibliometric indicators regarding to aspects between publications and researchers; periodicals and citations; and content reported in the articles. Considering that the research attempts to describe the characteristics of the papers collected for analysis, the research has a descriptive character.

Subsequently, to understand and interpret, through scientific publications, how Accounting Science has treated the theme “diversity and inclusion”, Content Analysis, of a qualitative nature, was adopted as a data analysis technique, which, as stated Chizzotti (2006), aims to understand the meaning of what is being communicated, manifestly or not, and with explicit meanings or not. In a complementary way, Bardin (1977) presents different phases for carrying out a study through Content Analysis, which are prepared sequentially, ranging from pre-analysis, through exploration of the material to be analyzed, to treatment of results, inference and interpretation.

The pre-analysis consisted of choosing the materials for the study. This happened through an initial reading of the abstract of each paper. In the material exploration phase, some elements of the selected scientific papers were investigated, separating them by title of the work; key words; goal; problem; methodology, research method and data analysis technique; contributions; and suggestions for future research. Regarding the characteristics of the publication, the following were observed: magazine/periodical; Qualis concept Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes); and year of publication. Finally, the main data of the authors were highlighted, such as: name, title and link/affiliation of the researcher with the Educational Institution and the Federation Unit. To record the collected data, a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet was used.

Finally, the analysis of the sample of scientific production on the theme “diversity and inclusion” sought to achieve the objective of the work, presenting an overview of publications, according to the following topic.


In this section of the paper, the results obtained from the analysis of the 48 papers used as the final sample of this research, deposited in the Spell database, considering their entire available period of publication, until June 2021, are presented.

4.1 Aspects regarding publications and researchers

In this topic, the following were analyzed: the production of research published by State; the number of publications, subdivided by theme; the researchers who published the most in the period; and the number of publications per Higher Education Institution (HEI). First, according to the bibliometric analysis, it is worth presenting some general information about the 48 papers.

Table 2
General information from bibliometrics – composed by 48 papers

Source: Own elaboration.

Thus, to demonstrate the first aspect, which is how scientific production is distributed in Brazil, from 1991 to 2021, authors and co-authors of the papers and their link/affiliation with the HEI were considerated, as well as the Federation Unit which the institution belongs, according to consolidated data in Figure 1, on the map of Brazil.

Figure 1
Production of published researchs by state
Source: Own elaboration.

Observing Figure 1, a certain regionalization can be seen, mainly in the Southeast, South and Northeast Regions, as, of the 122 authors identified, it was found that almost 60%, from a number of 69 authors, are distributed among the states of São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo. In the Southeast Region, therefore, the number of researchers was divided into 30, 18, 15 and 6, respectively. Next, we have the South Region, represented by 26 authors, 11 from Santa Catarina, 10 from Rio Grande do Sul and 5 from Paraná. Next, the Northeast Region was observed, with 12 researchers from Ceará, 7 from Rio Grande do Norte and 1 from Paraíba. Finally, 6 researchers from the Federal District (DF) and 1 from the state of Pará were identified. So, when the 27 Federation Units were considered, it was observed that there were no publications on the topic “diversity and inclusion” by linked researchers to HEIs belonging to the other 16 states. Analyzing the second aspect, the year of publication was considered, and which topic was discussed in the paper, as shown in Figure 2.

It was noticed that most publications discuss the topic with a focus on “diversity”, with the paper published in 1991; while the first publication found on “inclusion” only appears in 2006. However, it is noteworthy that there have been no publications in some years

Figure 2
Number of publications per year within each theme
Source: Own elaboration.

An oscillation was observed in research, a fact that does not allow us to infer linear growth, despite showing that, since 2006, with the exception of 2009, 2011 and 2013, research appears on both themes, even if “inclusion” on a smaller quantity, accordingly with existing literature (Werneck, 2000, 2003; Pinsk & Eluf, 2000; Sassaki, 2005; Coutinho, 2006, among others), which states that the two themes are complementary. The following analysis deals with the number of researchers who published the most in the period, in Table 3:

Table 3
Frequency of publications per researchers

Source: Own elaboration.

It was noted that of the 122 researchers who contributed to the work, only four published more than one paper on the topic during the period. Researcher Maria Nivalda de Carvalho-Freitas published four, one from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), and the other three from the Federal University of São João Del-Rei (UFSJ). Next, Darcy Mitiko Mori Hanashiro and Janette Brunstein appear, with three publications each, and, finally, Josiane Silva de Oliveira, with two publications, all with a doctorate degree. It was also noticed that the HEIs which the researchers have an affiliation are in the states of Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo and Paraná, which indicated a greater number of authors who research on the theme, according to what was presented in Figure 1. It is noteworthy that Professor Josiane has an affiliation with the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), in addition to the State University of Maringá (UEM).

Table 4
Overview from the most productives researchers’ resume

Source: Own elaboration.

One of the categories listed was the authors' titles, which was verified through the resume available on the Lattes Platform. One finding, when analyzing the content of the resumes of the notable researchers highlighted in Table 1, was that, although they have different areas of training, they work in lines of research that seek to provide equity to social actors within organizations and society as a whole.

Analyzing Table 4, it is clear that all researchers are involved with activist spaces engaged in promoting actions that aim to bring about transformations in society, such as the Center for Afro-Brazilian Interdisciplinary Studies (NEIAB), which is a group of teachers and students, which aims to expand the debate on racial issues (Núcleo de Estudos Interdisciplinares Afro-Brasileiros da Universidade Estadual de Maringá [NEIAB-UEM], 2020). It should be noted that none of the researchers highlighted in this work have training in Accounting. To analyze the HEIs with the greatest scientific production on the topic, Table 5 was created, with the frequency of publications per institution.

Table 5
Frequency of publication per HEI

Source: Own elaboration.

According to Table 5, 42 HEIs were identified, in which researchers have an affiliation, considering, for this aspect, the data found in each paper. It should be noted that frequency was computed by the statement presented in the paper, where the researcher's name appears as the author of it, but also as a professor with an affiliation from the same institution or another. For example, the name of the researcher Josiane Silva de Oliveira, who in one of her publications, she is declared as an author in a paper and, at the same time, as a professor at the Federal University of Goiás, a fact that highlighted the UFG in Table 6. As a result, the IES that hosts the highest frequency of researchers who have published works on the topic is Mackenzie, which is at the top of the table, with 29 points, representing 20% ​​of the total, followed by UFMG and the Federal University from Ceará (UFC), which reached 10 points, representing 7% each. Mackenzie and UFMG are institutions located in the Southeast Region, reinforcing the results in Figure 1. Continuing, we observed that UFSJ and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), with 9 and 7 points, respectively, representing 6 and 5%. The others had a representation of 3 and 2%, except for those institutions with only one researcher, as already observed in Table 5.

4.2 Aspects regarding periodicals and citations

In this section, we seek to deal with the periodicals in which the papers were published, analyzing some related aspects, such as the number of publications per Qualis Capes concept, periodicals in which they published and the number of quotes in these periodicals. Below, Table 6 presents the list of journals and their respective Qualis Capes concepts and number of publications.

Table 6
Relation of periodicals and its respectively Qualis CAPES concept

Source: Own elaboration.

When considering the Qualis Capes of the 2017-2020 quadrennium periodical classification events, it was noted that the publications were published by periodicals classified in strata A2, A3, B1 and B2. According to Barata (2017), whatever the area of knowledge, only half of the periodicals used by teachers and students to publish their publications can be classified among those of excellence (strata A) or of higher quality (B1) (Barata, 2017). Therefore, considering the Qualis classification of the journals that published the analyzed publications, it is believed that the topic, when researched and published, has a relevant impact on scientific production.

Furthermore, it should be noted that no publication was identified in the Spell database in an A1 stratum periodical, but on the other hand, of the 48 publications analyzed, 17 were in A2 concept periodicals and 9 in A3, representing more than 50% were published in excellent journals. It should be highlighted that the non-use of different databases prevented other journals that qualify with an excellent Qualis Capes concept from being reached as well.

Still on Table 6, it is observed that of the 21 journals that published scientific works on “diversity and inclusion”, it was found that RAE was one of those that published the most, with seven papers, followed by RAC, REAd and Interface, with 4 publications each. Soon after, RAE electrónica, Revista Alcance and Revista Gestão Organizacional (RGO) appear, which published three papers each. The other magazines appear with one or two publications.

In addition, it was noted that the articles analyzed were cited 343 times, highlighting that the Revista de Administração de Empresas was the most cited periodical, with 164 quotes. It is understood that the number of quotes is associated with the recognition of the value of published research and its results; given that the relationship given by the number of times that papers in a journal are quoted and the total number of papers published each year results in the journal's “Impact Factor”. Therefore, it is believed that the more the periodical is mentioned, the greater the degree of recognition of its value, therefore, of the articles published by it.

The next aspect to be analyzed is the content reported in the papers.

4.3 Content related in the papers

As already mentioned, according to Maccali et al. (2015), diversity involves several dimensions, which consequently covers several characteristics such as ethnic-racial factor, gender, sexual orientation, generation, social class, physical and mental capabilities, family, religion, demography, profession, politics and, even, other personal affiliations (Carneiro, 1995). Thus, to expose the main points found in the articles, the dimensions of diversity and research gaps are presented.

To verify how all this scientific production is distributed, regarding to the various dimensions of diversity, the subjects covered in each article were listed, and shown in Table 7.

Table 7
Dimensions of diversity

Source: Own elaboration.

Analyzing Table 7, we noticed a lack of research in some dimensions, among the articles analyzed, in which we did not find those that specifically deal with sexual orientation, religion, professionalism, politics, culture and other personal affiliations. Furthermore, when it comes to “diversity”, there was a greater number of research on gender and People with Disabilities. On the topic of “inclusion”, research focuses more on ableism. It can be highlighted that many of the papers analyzed discuss diversity and inclusion in a generic way, presenting proposals on diversity management, and not specifically looking at one of the different dimensions. For example, one of the works that presented as its objective the investigation of the adoption of public policies aimed at developing, in the population, the skills necessary for their inclusion in the market, then, it was understood as a more general proposal, with these works, brought together in the dimension here called general. To show the research gaps in the existing literature, Table 8 was prepared, which presents the titles of the works and suggestions for future research.

Table 8
Relation between the title in the paper and future research suggestions

Source: Own elaboration.

Regarding suggestions for future research, it was observed that in 22 papers, out of a universe of 48 analyzed, representing 46%, no possible suggestions for future research or research limitations were identified. This fact may be related to the methodology used by the studies, given that the majority refers to bibliographic research. However, among the studies that made suggestions, it was observed that six suggested a larger sample, to support a study with greater assertiveness, or even prove the assumptions.

The research, whose titles are “Proposition of a Theoretical Model of Social Innovation for the Inclusion of Senegalese Immigrants in the Labor Market”, “To be or not to be in favor of diversity practices” and “That is the question and Similarity and dissimilarity between superiors and subordinates and its implications for the quality of the dyadic relationship”, recommend testing, through statistics and a new sample, the methodological model used. However, upon analysis, it was realized that there is still a lot to explore regarding the topic, especially when it comes to making diversity and inclusion practices more effective.

The research mentioned makes an important contribution to studies on diversity, inclusion and social innovation in the workplace. However, there is much to be explored in these topics, especially about the effectiveness of diversity and inclusion practices. Therefore, a suggested sequence of research could be the empirical investigation of diversity and inclusion practices in different organizational contexts, with the aim of evaluating their effects on promoting a more inclusive work environment and improving organizational performance. Furthermore, it would be interesting to analyze the role of leadership in promoting diversity and inclusion, as well as the impact of training and development programs on the formation of more inclusive and collaborative teams. It needs to be emphasised the reflection on carrying out research from the employer's point of view towards the employee, to investigate whether the company is aware of the aspects that can include or exclude an employee, what are the actions that the company takes to recruit and maintain a diverse team, where prejudice is minimized. Although filters were used for articles in accounting area, some articles provide a more general overview of the discussion on the topic, including the article entitled “A model of public policies that generates income: an experience promoted by the Municipality of São Paulo”, whose objective was to investigate the adoption of public policies aimed at developing, in the population, the skills necessary for their inclusion in the market, which did not only cover the area of ​​accounting, but also the market. In this sense, papers were selected that had a direct relationship with the accounting area, involving professionals in the area, more specific accounting subjects, highlighting the results and contributions of these research, as shown in Table 9.

Table 9
Overview of the results and contributions shown by the papers

Source: Own elaboration.

Based on the results and contributions of some papers, it is inferred that Accounting Science has realized the benefits of diversity and inclusion in its field. However, although there is research that points to positive effects on diversity and inclusion practices in organizations, it was noticed that there are gaps, as it was noted, in the materials analyzed, that a large part of the Boards of Directors are still mostly made up of men, as well as when articles point out that senior management positions are still more occupied by white men. There was also a need for research that revolves around advancing the deconstruction of prejudice regarding various aspects, considering both the positive relationship between diversity and performance, and, mainly, the appreciation of the individual in the organization and in society. With the purpose of illustrating the topics most covered in the scientific works analyzed in this research, a word cloud was created using the Nvivo software, considering the full text of the papers, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3
Word cloud

The most prominent terms are those that occur most in the text. Thus, it was noticed that the terms most linked to diversity appear more frequently, perhaps because more than 60% of the works are dealing with the topic. Finally, it is worth highlighting that diversity is a crucial element in building a fairer and more inclusive society. When diversity is embraced, differences between people are recognized and valued, like gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, among other characteristics. This allows us to celebrate the variety of perspectives, skills and experiences that each individual can bring to the world. Furthermore, by promoting diversity, a more welcoming and respectful environment is created for all members of society, regardless of their differences. It is important to remember that diversity is not just an issue of social justice, but can also bring many practical benefits to companies, organizations and communities in general. By leveraging a variety of talents and skills, you can create more creative and effective solutions to challenges. Therefore, it is crucial to value and promote diversity in all areas of life, so that we can build a fairer and more inclusive future for everyone.


The objective of this research was to analyze, based on scientific papers already published, the context in which the theme “diversity and inclusion” permeates the accounting environment. To achieve this objective, a descriptive analysis was carried out of the elements considered most relevant in them. In this way, using bibliometric study as the main method, it was possible to present an overview of scientific production in Brazil, available in the Spell database, considering the entire available period, until June 2021, of papers published in national journals. The analyses, with a quantitative and qualitative approach, included the number of published papers, researchers who publish on the topic, journals and their respective concepts, quotes and content reported in them. For that matter, 48 papers published in national journals between 1991 and June 2021 were analyzed, revealing that there is a theoretical-scientific discussion on the topic, but the practice still presents a low level of diversity in some organizations. Furthermore, inclusion still requires more efforts on the part of researchers.

Through this research, it was possible to analyze that published studies show that, despite there being theoretical-scientific discussion on the topic, some point out that, in practice, some organizations are characterized by a low level of diversity, which involves salaries not egalitarian, low presence of women on boards or senior management positions, black people and others. Furthermore, the research showed that inclusion requires more efforts on the part of researchers, to verify whether organizations use inclusion practices that provide, especially People with Disabilities, acceptance, interaction and integration within their teams.

It needed to be highlighted some limitations found in carrying out the research, such as: using only the Spell database to collect data, making it impossible to present analyzes of co-authorship, co-occurrences and co-citations, as the chosen software was not interconnected with Spell. Another limitation, considering only papers from the Spell database, was that works published in the annals of scientific events may have been left out of the analysis.

Therefore, the following are suggestions for future research: 1) carry out a new bibliometric study, using another databases, expanding the field of research, to verify the scenario outside Brazil; 2) when considering the lack of research on some dimensions of diversity, it is suggested to carry out research that seeks to contemplate other dimensions, and, mainly, that are carried out with the aim of listening mainly to the different individuals who make up the teams , and not just organizations; 3) also consult publications from conferences, such as the Association of Postgraduate Programs in Accounting Sciences (ANPCONT), aiming at the scenario on diversity and inclusion in the area of Accounting Science.

Based on the analysis of published studies, the issue of diversity in organizations is still an open topic, with some research pointing to the existence of a low level of diversity in practice. In this sense, inclusion requires more efforts on the part of researchers and organizations, to guarantee the acceptance, interaction and integration of different individuals in work teams.

Material suplementario
Información adicional

Special Call: (In)Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – Organizational and Accounting Approaches: Guest editors: Carlos Adriano Santos Gomes Gordiano, Sandra Maria Cerqueira da Silva & Joao Paulo Resende de Lima

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Table 1
Articles selected for sample

Source: Own elaboration.
Table 2
General information from bibliometrics – composed by 48 papers

Source: Own elaboration.

Figure 1
Production of published researchs by state
Source: Own elaboration.

Figure 2
Number of publications per year within each theme
Source: Own elaboration.
Table 3
Frequency of publications per researchers

Source: Own elaboration.
Table 4
Overview from the most productives researchers’ resume

Source: Own elaboration.
Table 5
Frequency of publication per HEI

Source: Own elaboration.
Table 6
Relation of periodicals and its respectively Qualis CAPES concept

Source: Own elaboration.
Table 7
Dimensions of diversity

Source: Own elaboration.
Table 8
Relation between the title in the paper and future research suggestions

Source: Own elaboration.
Table 9
Overview of the results and contributions shown by the papers

Source: Own elaboration.

Figure 3
Word cloud
Visor de artículos científicos generados a partir de XML-JATS por Redalyc