Experience and expectations of the primary caregiver of obese children
Child Health; Obesity; Child Nutrition Disorders; Caregivers; Qualitative Research.Abstract
Objective: to understand the experience and expectations of the primary caregiver of obese children. Methods: a qualitative research based on the Social Phenomenology of Alfred Schütz with 16 caregivers of obese children through interviews. Results: two categories were identified regarding the “reasons why”: Knowledge about childhood obesity and Experience with the child’s obesity. As for the “reasons for”, three categories were found: What is expected for the obese child; What is expected for yourself; and Expectations regarding health and school services. Conclusion: it was evidenced that the group of caregivers studied has knowledge about the phenomenon of obesity and its consequences, as well as about the inadequate diet and body weight of the children. Nevertheless when facing it, they do not accept the condition of obesity of their children.
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